Dear brothers and sisters,
1. The Sunday bulletin is attached. Please use it to prepare for worship.
2. Remember to turn your clocks BACK one hour before you turn in on Saturday night. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep!
3. Deacon’s Offering is this Sunday. Please give generously. This will enable us to begin building a Deacon’s Fund for The Haven.
4. Young adult disciples meet at 7:30 p.m. at The Brewers. The topic for this Sunday: Church Life That Shows Christ to Others.
5. Pray for the vestry of St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church as it is supposed to meet on Sunday and act on our proposal to rent that facility. HOWEVER, today we learned of what may well be a new (and much better) option for a facility for us. We’ll give you more details on Sunday; but, for now, please pray. The Lord is at work!
6. As always, pray for my preparations for the Lord’s Day. And pray that Margaret and I can catch up on all the things that piled up while we were away.
Your servant for Jesus’ sake,
Pastor Bill